Venue: Rhithiol - Zoom
Contact: Sioned Mai Jones 01286 679665
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES To receive
apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies
were received from Councillors Beca Brown, Eric M. Jones, Eirwyn Williams and
Elwyn Jones (Vice-chair of the Council) |
DECLARATION OF PERSONAL INTEREST To receive any declaration of personal interest Minutes: No declarations of personal interest were received. |
URGENT BUSINESS To note any items that are a matter of urgency in the view of the Chairman for consideration Minutes: No urgent items were received. |
Chairman shall propose that the minutes of the previous meeting of this
committee held on 25 January 2022 be signed as a true record Minutes: The Chair signed the minutes of the previous meeting of this committee
held on 25 January 2022 as a true record. An update was sought on how many houses had now been purchased off the
open market by the Housing Department. It was noted that the records referred
to one house being purchased up to January 2022; enquiries were made about the
latest situation. The Language Advisor would verify the number. |
Legal Services are implementing the Language Policy and their plan for
promoting the Welsh Language in Gwynedd Decision: ·
To accept the report and note the observations
received. ·
was agreed for the Chief Executive to write a letter to the Government on
behalf of the Language Committee expressing disappointment that it was not
always possible for Gwynedd Council officers and others to contribute in Welsh
in virtual meetings arranged by the Welsh Government and to encourage them to
ensure that simultaneous translation service provision is available without
asking in virtual meetings. Minutes: The report
was submitted by the Chief Executive, the Corporate Director and the Head of
Legal Service, and attention was drawn to the following main points, in brief: -
The Chief Executive reported upon the recent development as a result of changing
the Council's use of Microsoft software so that it would be available
completely through the medium of Welsh. It was noted that 60% of staff used it
voluntarily; this would be changed to be mandatory from the commencement date
of the new Council. -
It was noted that the Council led on
a number of regional partnerships such as GwE, the North Wales Economic
Ambition Board, North Wales Trunk Road Agency and the North Wales Corporate
Joint Committee, with the responsibility for establishing, organising and
planning the meetings. It was added that the Council was volunteering to lead
on the above as it was an opportunity to influence the language use of the
bodies by ensuring that it was established through the medium of Welsh from the
outset and implemented the Council's language policy. -
Reference was made to the Gwynedd and Anglesey Public
Services Board, which was attended by the Chief Executive, and that it was an
opportunity to influence the use made of the Welsh language by other public
organisations. -
Disappointment was expressed at some
organisations where it was a battle to be able to contribute in Welsh in some
meetings. It was noted that Welsh
Government was one organisation where very little effort was made to provide an
interpreter. It was suggested that the Council should correspond publicly with
the Government to express its disappointment. -
The Corporate Director reported on the main fields under
her leadership and she noted examples of trying to influence language use in
those fields. Examples of this was always enquiring for Welsh copies of reports
at every meeting and ensuring that the interpretation provision was available,
particularly in on-line meetings. -
It was believed that the above examples encouraged others
to ask the same questions and that an improvement could be seen compared with
the situation ten years ago. -
Reference was made to the More than Just Words agenda,
partnership work and collaboration within the care and community safety fields
and the role of Director within Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board as an official
contact. Details were given on the More than Just Words Forum, noting that
national approval had been received for the forum's work in the North, which
shared good practice and collaboration. -
The Corporate Director reported that she contributed in
Welsh at every Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board meeting, as did a number of other
members, and that this was encouraged and appreciated by the Chair and Chief
Executive of the Health Board. -
Reference was made to the launch of
Foster Wales, and the joint work done to influence and manage to obtain the
logo in Welsh first and in English second. - The Head of Legal Service reported on the Legal Service, noting ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
implementing the Language Policy and their plan for promoting the Welsh
Language in Gwynedd Additional documents: Decision: To accept the report and note the observations received. Minutes: The
report was submitted by the Head of Gwynedd Consultancy, noting that the
Department was dealing with the engineering world, which was considered to be
quite an English industry. This led to problems with recruiting staff with high
standard language skills. It was noted that the Department was working on a
number of projects and plans to help staff meet the language designations of
their posts and to improve the linguistic skills of the workforce; details of
these projects were available in the report. Reference was made to the
following points in the report: -
Welsh Language Learning and Development Officers were thanked for their work
supporting the Department's staff to assess their own linguistic ability and to
provide further training where needed. -
was made to individuals within the Department who had made progress and were
encouraged to speak Welsh as a result of schemes such as the Cynllun Cyfeillion
or Cynllun Arfer via the University. -
It was
noted that the Department encouraged teams to hold their conversations through
the medium of Welsh. It was acknowledged that the lockdown period had disrupted
this progress somewhat and it was intended to recommence the support for teams
to use the Welsh language as the workforce's day-to-day language. -
It was
emphasised that the Department would seek to extend their use of the Welsh
language internally and with other bodies such as contractors and advisers
further by corresponding in Welsh; it was believed that this showed an impact
and had an influence. Members were given an opportunity to ask questions and
offer observations. During the
discussion, the following matters were raised: -
was expressed for the presentation and for all of the Department's work. It was
noted that the success of the Cynllun Adfer via the University was very
interesting and it was asked whether other Councils and Organisations were
aware of this and whether it could be marketed. -
It was
asked whether the courses for staff to receive professional engineering
qualifications being offered in Welsh, and if not, was there room to ask Coleg
Cymraeg Cenedlaethol for support to ensure that the courses were being offered
bilingually. It was questioned what Education establishments were doing to
assist the Department which sought to provide a Welsh workforce with relevant
qualifications. -
comment was made about the technical terminology associated with the field and
it was suggested that it was possible to continue to have conversations about
the work in Welsh, despite the fact that terminology used was in English. It was
believed that it was important to discuss work in Welsh, whilst continuing to
use the English technical terminology, in order to raise the confidence of
staff. In
response, the Head of Gwynedd Consultancy noted: - It was expressed that work was not being done by the Department to promote the Cynllun Adfer, but rather there was reporting back between the Council and the University. The Language Adviser added that the Language service was a part ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Community Department is implementing the Language Policy and their plan for
promoting the Welsh Language in Gwynedd Decision: To accept the report and note the observations
received. Minutes: The report was presented by the Head of Economy and
Community Department, and she referred briefly to the following main points: -
It was noted
that a small reduction had been seen in the number of staff who had met the language
designation of their posts, compared with the previous year. It was believed
that this was a reflection of the increase in the number of temporary staff
appointed over the past year, e.g. additional wardens in order to respond to
the Covid situation. -
It was
reported that opportunities had arisen to develop the language of those who did
not meet the requirements. It was noted that individuals had taken advantage of
the opportunities and had appreciated the support and encouragement given to
develop their language skills. It was added that challenges existed when
completing a language self-assessment as so many temporary seasonal staff were
in the Department and some had now left. -
Some new
service fields introduced during the Covid period were highlighted. Then, the
opportunity was taken to place emphasis on providing the information in Welsh
and promoting the services available in Welsh. -
It was reported that the Libraries
and Archives Service were valuable resources for families which enabled
children to hear the Welsh language and participate in activities. The
importance of the Archives service which provided information packs and Welsh
materials to Gwynedd Schools was emphasised; now there was an increased
emphasis on this resource. -
Reference was made to the work of
promoting Welsh culture that was being done by the Tourism, Marketing and
Events Service. Reference was made to the work currently underway on the
linguistic impact of the increasing number of tourists in the County. It was
noted that measures were now in place to measure the impact on the language of
the County. -
Department's expectation on partners who collaborated with them to provide
materials bilingually was expressed. It was added that the Department ensured
that websites and apps were available bilingually, and they ensured that they
were available in Welsh to other Counties and partnerships. It was reported
that the Department had strengthened the language requirements as a condition
in tenders when awarding contracts. Members were given an opportunity to ask questions and
offer observations. During the
discussion, the following matters were raised: -
was expressed for the full report and it was expressed, whilst acknowledging
the magnitude of the task, that it would be interesting to see the outcome of
the work on the impact of tourists on the language. -
were made as to when this work would be published. -
It was noted
that location played a part in how harmful tourism could be to the language in
a specific area. This work was welcomed and it was believed that the results
would be interesting. - It was asked whether it was possible to measure how much tourism that the history, language and culture of Wales attract to Gwynedd and to Wales, i.e. ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
UPDATE ON THE WORK OF HUNANIAITH - GWYNEDD'S LANGUAGE INITIATIVE PDF 500 KB To consider the report Decision: To accept the report
and note the observations received. Minutes: The
Senior Language and Scrutiny Advisor submitted the report. An overview was
provided of the work and priorities of Hunaniaith, Gwynedd's Language
Initiative. Reference was made to the report which detailed the initiative's
various projects that were undertaken during the past year. Members were
encouraged to watch the videos, with reference being made to the language
awareness video; the links to the videos could be seen in the report. Members were given the opportunity to ask further
questions: -
Enquiries were made about the mindset
of moving Hunaniaith away from the Council. -
was made to the language awareness video created by the Hunaniaith team which referred
to the seven important things about the History of Wales; the video was deemed
to be excellent and a powerful resource. It was confirmed that a version of the
video was also available with English subtitles. It
was explained that the strategic group was eager for Hunaniaith to be a more
independent entity from the Council and that this would have its advantages; it
was noted that many other language initiatives were community initiatives. It
was added that the future sustainability of the initiative would need to be
ensured. An update would be provided to the Committee in the new term. DECISION To accept the report and note the observations received. |
PRAISE AND COMPLAINTS REPORT PDF 403 KB To present the latest information to the Committee on complaints and examples of success when promoting the use of Welsh in the Council's services Decision: To accept the report
and note the observations received. Minutes: The Language Advisor submitted the report, which noted
the complaints and examples of successes experienced when promoting the use of
the Welsh language in the Council. Reference
was made to the recent developments, including the language awareness sessions
for Council staff that had recommenced virtually recently. These sessions would
be run by the Language Advisor and Welsh Language Learning and Development
Officer and had received very positive feedback; the sessions would continue
and would be offered to more Departments across the Council. Reference
was made to the complaints, along with the recent adjudication following an
investigation by the Welsh Language Commissioner with regards to the language
requirements of the post of Chief Executive. It was reported that further
actions had been taken, emphasising that this case or adjudication was not a
reflection on the Council's usual arrangements. Details were given of the new
conditions that were now in place as a part of the recruitment policy; those
conditions would be added to the language policy. This meant that the language
requirements would be noted clearly on every occasion. A
report was given on some recent enquiries; some of which were a part of broader
national enquiries; further details could be seen in the report. Reference was
also made to the three complaints received relating to the Council's language
policy; one as a result of IT matters that were in the process of attempting to
be resolved and further work that was in progress to address the matter. No
complaint was relevant to the Council as the Council had no powers to enforce
in respect of the language matters of private sector businesses. The final
complaint regarding an English-only pamphlet received by the public had been
resolved; arrangements were made to translate the pamphlet urgently as well as
check and update further materials within the Department in question. Members were given the opportunity to ask further
questions: -
Attention was drawn to the fact that
the same type of complaints and issues arose compared with other years. -
members expressed their thanks for the report. DECISION
To accept the report and
note the observations received. At the end of the meeting, members took the
opportunity to extend the Committee's condolences to the family of Aled
Roberts, Welsh Language Commissioner, as he had passed away recently. |